Apollo CRE

About us

Location: Compton, CA
Appraised Value: $307,000
Loan Amount: $138,150
Loan to Value: 45%
Return: 8% (interest only paid monthly)
Mo. Payment to Investor: $921
Rent: $1900
Term of Loan: 8 Years

Location: Las Vegas, CA
Appraised Value: $130,000
Loan Amount: $61,100
Loan to Value: 45%
Return: 8% (interest only paid monthly)
Mo. Payment to Investor: $407
Rent: $1050
Term of Loan: 8 Years

Location: Inglewood, CA
Appraised Value: $160,000
Loan Amount: $72,000
Loan to Value: 45%
Return: 8% (interest only paid monthly)
Mo. Payment to Investor: $480
Rent: $1200
Term of Loan: 8 Years

Location: Los Angeles, CA
Appraised Value: $182,000
Loan Amount: $81,900
Loan to Value: 45%
Return: 8% (interest only paid monthly)
Mo. Payment to Investor: $556
Rent: $1300
Term of Loan: 8 Years

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