Apollo CRE

Creating Wealth Through Real Estate                                                                                                 
Office: (424) 999-5470                                                                                                                                                      
We eat, live, and breathe Real Estate:

Welcome to Apollo CRE. a real estate investment corporation.  We are very much involved in every aspect of real estate investing.  Currently we buy properties to fix and re-sell. For more information about about becoming a partner, click here. We strive for Win-Win scenarios and forming long-term relationships.

Earn Great Returns:
Don't settle for less!  If you have capital that isn’t currently performing to your expectations, contact us and increase the yield on the same money you're investing now and enjoy the results! 

Service that's unsurpassed
We offer high-yield trust deed investments (8.0%, 10% and 12%) to private individuals, corporations, pension plans, 401Ks, retirement funds, IRAs, foundations, endowments, Roth IRAs, Self-Directed IRAs, Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) and SEP accounts.

Let's start today. Call us for a free, no-obligation consultation. Whatever your investment goals are, we're here to help.

Apollo CRE
Office: (424) 999-5470

AvailableTrust Deeds

Trust Deeds FAQ

Contact Us Today!

This is not a Security. The information provided herein is not intended to be for the purpose of soliciting a Security under State or Federal regulations. The information is intended to give the private investor alternatives to stock market investments, but is not intended to be a solicitation of a Security under SEC rules and definitions. This is intended to be a private borrowing transaction with the individual investments secured by real estate title to benefit an individual.